No one wants to pay more income taxes than they are required to, but be careful if you do your own taxes. Attempting to cut your tax liability by getting into IRS grey areas can cause you problems later on. You don’t have to do anything unethical to get your return pulled for an audit, you just have to raise too many of these red flags. If you’re in the middle of an audit or owe back taxes, contact us to schedule a free consultation.
Many of these items are red flags for an audit, but many are also legitimate deductions. The key is to have a qualified tax professional on your side, especially someone who is well experienced in tax resolution and can help you minimize the risk of an audit and the resulting tax problems down the road. At the very least, keep meticulous records and make sure you are inside the guidelines of the IRS.
If you need an expert tax resolution professional who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.